Monday, September 1, 2014

Adventures in Kindness

We worked on our next batch of Nice Notes this past weekend, using dinosaur stickers and brightly colored notecards and envelopes.

Each person had a story about handing out their notes.

"I handed it to a boy sitting by himself and now he comes and has lunch with us every day!"

"I handed it to someone, but I was afraid he would be offended."
"Because it had a mustache sticker in the note. But he already had a mustache."
"Did he look offended?"
"I left before he could open it."

"I gave one to this lady at a store, because she was nice to us."
"It was actually one of mine, because she forgot to bring her Nice Notes with her."

"There's no one sad at my school. Everyone is happy. I swear!"

And I helped a woman carry out mail to her car from the post office. She had just had hip surgery and was using a walker. She was astounded that I would help her, and kept asking, "Are you sure?" I told her it was no big deal, and that I would doing it in the name of our Posse of Love. She shook my hand and said her faith in humanity was restored.

And Kim from Wild Horse Ranch Rescue sent a photo of her sweet puppy named Sir Lancelot Radar Love Anubis posing with his new Rainbow Unicorn Posse of Love food bowl.  Remember, the proceeds from every purchase of RUPL gifts and apparel go to fund acts of kindness. Visit the shop!

How did an act of kindness make your week better?

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